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Three Years

Three years is not that long, yet so much can happen in just three short years. This marks the three year anniversary of Off Your Rocker Pottery (OYRP). Looking back I am amazed at how much has happened and how far this crazy dream of mine has come.

Over the past three years so much has changed, from our website (over four website overhauls), to our latest pottery collections, and so much more. I look back at that first website and I almost cringe. A bit embarrassed really, but then I thought I should be anything but embarrassed about that first website. Instead I should be overjoyed about how far we have come. From our website layout, to our photos, to our latest collections, and every step along the way, each step was necessary in order to get to the next.

See, that’s the thing, when you first start anything in life you don’t have to be perfect, you simply just have to start and be willing to learn. Once you start it is easy to make adjustments and small improvements. Each little adjustment and each little tweak adds up. In just three short years you would not have even recognized where we started. We should be looking for where we can make these improvements and adjustments in all the areas of our life.

The adjustments have not just been in Off Your Rocker Pottery either; they have also been in my personal life. Since our launch three years ago I have gone from a stay at home mom with a small hobby business, to a divorced single mom supporting her daughters. The growth of this company has continued through my divorce, my moving, and my navigation as a new single parent to two young children. In some instances I felt that I continued to grow Off Your Rocker Pottery in spite of all of these set backs and turmoil in my personal life, but now looking back I know that it was because of it. These life changes and huge life lessons gave me a different perspective, and even more importantly a new reason. The changes in my life helped fuel the changes needed in my work.

I look back over the last three years and it warms my heart. Yes, there certainly have been some difficult moments, but I have also had some of the best moments as well. Watching my daughters grow, seeing for myself the things I can accomplish, and the new hope and outlook I have on all things in life. Looking back over the last three years makes me so freakin’ excited about where we will be in just three more years. So what ever your heart is calling you to do or whatever you know in your gut you must do, no matter how difficult it might feel today, I urge you to take that first step. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just begin, and adjust, and adjust again, in three years from now imagine where you could be.

If you enjoyed this, or if this resonated with you at all, I ask that you pop on over and take a look at my handmade dinnerware. If you see something you like, or a great gift, please pick it up. 

I so appreciate you support, thank you. And for reading this blog save 10% OFF your order by using checkout code: Journey 


Lindsay Klix

Off Your Rocker Pottery



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