An Artist Journey - The ups and downs of creation, and how to keep moving forward.
Babe Ruth Was Actually A Failure
Most of us are aware of all the home runs Babe Ruth hit. He had 714 home runs in his career. He is a baseball legend, but how many of you know that he also struck out 1330 times? By all means of measurement, he is a looser. He struck out more times than he hit home runs. Is this the way you would judge his home runs, in respect to his struck outs? So many of us, (I am sooo inculcate in this category) beat ourselves up over our misses in life, over our mistakes. We judge ourselves solely...
The Costumes We Wear
How many times do we find ourselves doing things in order to please others? Wearing a certain outfit, or attending that party when we are exhausted? We go with the flow in order to fit in, and not stand out, not be different. My five year old only wants to wear nightgowns, I so hope this is a phase. At first I fought her on this, I made her wear clothes. It was to the point where I had to wrestle her to the ground in order to get her dressed for school, until one day I said fuck it! Wear...
Our Family Photo, After Divorce
My daughter just turned 5 and she has a project at preschool where they need a family photo. I am sure for most families this is no big deal, but not all families look the same. In our instance this required me to text my ex husband to say “Hey, we need a family photo. Come on over and wear something appropriate.” His response was, “Ok, thanks for letting me know.” To many divorced couples this seems absurd, but I must remind you that the assignment was not for MY family photo, it was for the family photo of my...
Three Years
Three years is not that long, yet so much can happen in just three short years. This marks the three year anniversary of Off Your Rocker Pottery (OYRP). Looking back I am amazed at how much has happened and how far this crazy dream of mine has come. Over the past three years so much has changed, from our website (over four website overhauls), to our latest pottery collections, and so much more. I look back at that first website and I almost cringe. A bit embarrassed really, but then I thought I should be anything but embarrassed about that...
Why are moms so tired all the time?
We have all seen the cliché of the worn out Mom with kids running around, or how moms need so much coffee and wine. I mean she is just sitting around the house in her pajamas watching her own kids, what is so exhausting about that!?!? I believe the reason is decision fatigue. In case this is a new term to you, it is a concept that you only have so many good decisions a day to make. After that your brain gets worn out. Ever hear how Steve Jobs wore the same exact thing every day, it’s because he knew...