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An Artist Journey - The ups and downs of creation, and how to keep moving forward.

I'm Sorry My Jar Is Full

I believe we are all given a jar to hold and store all of life's bull shit. Some of us are given small, tinny jars. Others like myself must have large super sized jars. I feel like one day I looked down and my jar was full and overflowing. "Oh, I'm sorry my jar is full, you will have to take your shit else ware." Every single one of us has our limits, our breaking points. I found this jar analogy to be liberating. Each one of us has the choice to put on our no vacancy sign. You don't...

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Who wants to play safe when you can play big instead...

Those of you who know me or read my blog know I try to find inspiration everywhere. We all see the quotes on social media daily and I am sure we all have different feelings about them. From time to time I come across one that hits home for me.  "Nothing incredible was ever achieved by playing it safe," by Jonathan Silver Scott. We all know "unsafe play" can end up being a lot of fun, it can also end in disaster. But if you want something bigger or something special you have to take those risks. If you are...

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Do You Remember?

Do you remember that young adult you once were? The one that was filled with dreams, the one who thought the world could become a better place, and that you could help change it. Before life knocked you down, made you bitter, cynical, always looking out for the worse case scenario instead of the best. Visit that younger person you were and try to be more like them. When I was fresh out of high school I made this crafty little journal with all different colored pages. In it I use to write down quotes I came across that I...

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700 LBS

There are times to take it easy, then there are the times you need to put on a good pair of shoes and get it done. No complaining, no self doubt weather you can do it or not, no other option but to get it done. My get it done days are my clay delivery days. I order seven hundred pounds of clay at a time, fifty pound boxes, fourteen of them. They are delivered to my house and left in my garage. No one to help, no one to rely on but me and they are need to be...

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Perfection is Boring!

Tummy tucks, Botox, boob jobs, even calf implants, we have all seen these. We have all seen the person with the perfect body. Many of us have envied over these perfect specimens and have even considered plastic surgery in order to join them. Some of us may have considered it for a little while, maybe just as a dream of what if, while some of you may have had the surgery. I will admit I too have thought about surgery, for me it was a tummy tuck and Botox I considered. Not being happy with my post baby body and...

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